
Time-Pitch Control

Adjust audio speed with extreme factors to overcome any time constraints.
By leveraging IRCAM-Centre Pompidou lab’s decades of audio signal expertise we’ve been able to push artefact-proof sound stretch boundaries.

Used by the world's best companies

Our expertise

Widest time stretch factor range

Apply extreme factors to the audio speed with no artefacts, the original material remains unaltered.

Time stretch and pitch shift

For music libraries, learning, podcasting and audio/video editing

Change duration and/or pitch independantly

Speed up or slow down audio recordings without affecting pitch / Transpose or adjust pitch without affecting tempo.


Easily integrate the time-pitch processing into a sophisticated workflow

Enough words,
Time to listen

Enjoy these results, powered by our API

Start your
integration now

Fast and seamless integration into your app, software, or supply chain.


Try before you

Our free trial awaits, with 60 credits on sign-up you can take a complete ride, no credit card required

Pay as you go

The best way to start at your own pace.

Only pay for what you use.

Billed at month end.

Usage capped at 500 credits per month.


Best value

Up to 50% off through recurring usage.

No time commitment.

Fee payable in advance.

Flexibly change your tier at any time.

For off package credits, a 25% markup will apply.


Tailored to your enterprise grade needs.

Custom pricing based on volume.

Priority support.

No concurrent processing restriction.

No usage cap.

Used by the world's best companies

Want more?

Our high factor time stretch without artefact unlocks endless capabilities and areas of application for speed and tempo variations